As a state-certified technical engineer and design engineer I started working with the 3D CAD software Pro/ENGINEER R17 in a medium-sized company.
In 1999 I became an instructor for the parametric 3D CAD software Pro/ENGINEER at the company Rand Worldwide.
The knowledge about the PDM- software Windchill from PTC or rather Windchill PDMLink was later acquired by me.
The software Pro/ENGINEER now called Creo Parametric, is used by over 50,000 companies and has over one million users worldwide.
PDMLink is the web-based Product Lifecycle Management PLM software package from PTC's Windchill family.
With PLM you can manage and control projects around the world. Product Lifecycle Management is the key to efficient worldwide management of product development data.
PDMLink can manage all this data evenly and connect them to each other. With the PTC Product Lifecycle Management System, it is possible to map simple to very complex release processes (change management).
For example, it is possible to forward immediately and automatically the released data to a subsequent ERP system.
With an example I would like to show you what optimized good web development can achieve. For this I use the website of the designer Thomas Clever as an example.
Google found 26,700 results for the search term "handskizze designer".
The image from the website Thomas Clever is on the 2nd place. See more datails by clicking on this image.